Therapy Services


ABA Therapy: Our Behavior Squad Services


At ABA Specialists Therapy, we offer a comprehensive range of services that come together to provide a complete ABA therapy experience. Our multidisciplinary approach combines various components to address the unique needs of each individual. From initial assessment and individualized program development to skill training, behavior reduction, and ongoing support, our services work in synergy to promote growth and positive behavior change. Through evidence-based techniques and personalized treatment plans, we strive to enhance communication, social interactions, and adaptive skills. Our dedicated team of therapists and behavior analysts collaborate closely with families, schools, and other professionals to ensure a cohesive and integrated approach to therapy.

With a focus on data-driven decision making and continual assessment, we monitor progress and make adjustments as needed to optimize outcomes. We believe in the power of positive reinforcement and the importance of creating a nurturing and supportive environment for individuals to thrive. By offering a comprehensive range of services, we aim to provide individuals with the tools they need to reach their full potential and lead fulfilling lives. With our complete ABA therapy services, we are committed to making a positive and lasting impact on the lives of those we serve.

We use this evidence-based technique that helps to improve socially significant behavior. The goal is to decrease challenging behaviors by increasing positive behaviors. In consequence, we can improve communication, social interactions and learning skills.

Communication Skills

Our therapists provide functional communication skill training that focuses on expressing the child’s wants, needs, and conversational skill.

We understand the vital role that communication plays in every aspect of our lives. That’s why we are passionate about helping children develop and enhance their communication skills through our specialized therapy programs.

communication Skills aba teraphy in Georgia

Parent training

At ABA Specialists Atlanta, we believe that parent training is at the heart of everything we do. We recognize the significant role parents play in their child’s development, and we are dedicated to equipping them with the necessary tools and knowledge to support their child’s progress.

We understand that therapy sessions alone are not enough to create lasting change. That’s why we place great emphasis on training parents to generalize and replicate the skills learned during therapy sessions into everyday life. We believe that by empowering parents with the strategies and techniques used in ABA therapy, we can create a collaborative partnership that fosters growth and development.

Parent Training aba teraphy georgia

Social Training: Nurturing Meaningful Connections and Building Social Skills

At ABA Specialists Atlanta, we understand that individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder may face challenges in social interaction. That’s why we prioritize social training as a crucial component of our therapy programs. Our goal is to empower children with the tools and skills they need to navigate social situations with confidence and success.

Through our specialized social training programs, we focus on enhancing social skills such as turn-taking, sharing, initiating and maintaining conversations, understanding non-verbal cues, and perspective-taking. We utilize evidence-based techniques to teach these skills in a structured and supportive environment, ensuring that children have the opportunity to practice and generalize their newfound abilities.

abaspecialist teraphy kids georgia

Potty Training: Empowering Independence and Teaching Essential Skills

At ABA Specialists, we believe that potty training is an essential skill that contributes to a child’s overall development and independence. We are committed to providing families with the tools, resources, and support they need to navigate this journey successfully. Together, we can help your child become socially independent and achieve potty training success.

Through positive reinforcement and gentle guidance, we aim to empower children to become independent in their toileting routine. We understand that each child progresses at their own pace, and we celebrate each milestone achieved along the way.